
Can't see followers on profile

Hello @thibault,
The new update consists of a lot of issues,at times it's a requisite to view who follows me,in a website of more than a million users how will I be able to know if the user who has challenged me does know me or not... further DMs in chat from known users were less sophisticated.. 2 of my old friends whom I met in tournament followed me,and I didn't follow them back..I lost their contact today, though I hope they will reach me and so rapid and gigantic changes without any prior information wasn't something I ever even the terminology is not up to the par...I follow a fide master,is he my friend? No...he is a great user,his actions motivate me... further I follow some users to catch up with their views in forum... though there are issue bigger than that of terminology that needs to be resolved...I hope lichess team will take appropriate actions to resolve them..I will keep editing this as I will become aware of other issues....
Kind Regards...
@thibault said in #49:
> @tcjohans both your concerns are addressed by the new "Friends" link on your profile, leading to this page
> Same goes for @hrabdos

Hi @thibault such an honour!
Thanks for this, it is exactly what I need - only: where is this "Friends" link in my profile?
I searched on my page everywhere, I searched it on other people pages: the only "Friends" I can see is the "friends online" on the bottom right, and when I click on it shows the people online, not the list of friends.
Thanks again for following this issue and keep up the amazing work: your website is TOP!
lol yeah! I think lichess have got some reports about SOME PLAYER ARE SAYING "FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW".
So I think lichess have take an action for it! so what they did was we can follow but we cant see our followers in our profile...
Well that is a good action for sending msg like follow for follow!

Below "Profile Completion", you can click on "Friends".

If you still can't locate the link, try Ctrl+F, "Friends" on your profile homepage.

If you still can't locate it, thibault hates you.

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