
Need some help on one opening line (morra smith gambit)

Anyway, the idea to learn a whole new opening just for one game seems to be suspicious - what are you going to do if instead of going for the Morra he plays Grand Prix, b3, open sicilian or whatever pleases him? You may find yourself much more surprised then he...
Stick to your guns, play what you play usually - if something goes wrong, at least you will learn something useful
Ha @achja and @Sarg0n , looking at those games I must say that those sac on d5 are nasty. There is no way one can defend that unless one can calculate 20 moves ahead accurately, let alone the psychological factor of defending all the game. Thanks for the games :).
I remember many years ago, well before strong computers, when there was a player who insisted on playing the gambit. He was derided mercilessly by GMs. One GM annotated a game of his like so:

1 e4
1 ... c5! winning a pawn.

I remember being frustrated as black back then because I don't think I ever won a single game by taking the pawn. Now I understand just how dangerous it can be.

@achja Yeah that looks very much like many of the correspondence games I've also seen with the morra. I don't think the gambit is sound, but given the literally inhuman complexity of some of the lines that can give white crushing attacks, which your opponent will be vastly more familiar with than you - it's like agreeing to duel while wearing a blindfold. Outside of television, Gannicus dies there 100 out of 100 times.
Thank you @achja and @Sarg0n , i am aware about sacrifice the Knight on d5 and it is very dangerous...For that reason i am studying the line suggested by @jposthuma which seems very rasonable for me, avoiding all the problems concerning this sacrifice...What do you think of it? whic could be, according to you, the most dangers of this position for black?
Someone told you about open lines and initiative? How many hours do you think you can walk on the highwire safely? There’s no safety-net (engine) otb.
@GodotWontCome #27
You seem to be eager to grab the pawn still.
Perhaps ask yourself why that is.
And to add to the conversation arguments :
Gambit players usually are a little bit sad when you decline their pawn presents.
I suggest to decline the Smith-Morra gambit pawn, and "just play chess".
By the way, I read somewhere that IM Esserman in his Morra book also deals with the declined lines. Maybe an idea to have a peak at that, as part of your preparation ?

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