
Detailed suggestions list for over-the-board play on the mobile app

To all the higher-ups at Lichess: You rock. Best chess app in the android store, by far, no comparison, and I tried dozens before the Lichess app was released.

That said, there are a number of improvements that could be made on the over-the-board play feature of lichess. I made another post about chess fonts, but aside from that, here's what I've come up with:

0. Make the variants available for over-the-board play. I'm begging. PLEASE. This suggestion must have been made before, and I imagine it's on the roadmap, but I'm still begging for it.

1. Timer. I'm sure this suggestion has been made before, but seriously, having the timer available on over-the-board play would be so incredibly awesome.

2. "Pause and save for later." Frequently, playing over the board, my friend and I may have to adjourn and pick up the game later. It would be ridiculously awesome if the lichess app allowed you to save a game (recording the amount of time each person has left), and pick it back up when they want.

3. Save history of over-the-board games for reviewing and analysis.

4. Label who is playing which color. This is related to the pause and save feature, and save history feature, and would make those features much better.

Anyway, Keep up the great work, and seriously, you're awesome!
Just bumping this, because I'm **really really** hoping someone sees this, so I can play chess960 over the board using lichess.

I have gotten so used to playing chess960, I forget that it's not randomized when I play other variants, so i'd like to request the option to play any of the other variants on lichess using a chess960 setup.

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