
Suggestion: Crazyhouse pocket pieces

Currently, there are two ways to make a regular move in all chess variants, namely,drag-and-drop and select-and-click.
But there is only a drag-and-drop possibility to place a piece from the pocket on the board.
Could you make a select-and-click possibility also available? By clicking on a piece in the pocket one could "select" it, and then by clicking on the square one could place it on this square. In- my opinion, it might be far more convenient then drag-and-drop method, while it would no longer require user to hold the mouse button pressed while moving the mouse, and thus reduce the probability of a wrong placement.
Add: in my touchscreen is really hard to drag the Q from the right side of the pocket and it requires a few seconds
I requested this something like year ago, when crazyhouse was introduced.
Hold down Q while clicking should drop the Queen. With this feature I would become world champion.
Pressing the appropriate key while hovering over an empty square should drop the appropriate piece (I'd prefer 12345 over pnbrq). I also support two-click drop (as a separate option from two-click move) and pre-hovering to drop a piece that you don't have yet (but anticipate gaining with your current premove).

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