
Does Anyone Agree With This?

Nah, even as a christian this is looking way too much into a game. With the same arguments you could say everything man made is evil.
Almost everyone eventually has some experience with religious people taking their fervour a bit too far for comfort. This is not in any way specific to chess.
Here are some quotes from the side I like most

>> Still there is no biblical evidence that Jesus, His disciples and other Christians engaged in what we call sports, as a way/mean of recreation. They were too busy with better things, things of eternal importance and with eternal consequences.

So we are talking about evidence ? Thats a good one :)
I always understood, that religion is about believe and it does not need evidence.
If there is evidence, why do I have to believe ? Why not just call it knowledge ;)

But apart from that, IMHO there are definitely more important things than sports.
But should this suggest to us, that Jesus would never do sports, yoga, ... nor does he want his brothers and sisters to do it ?
Then why do people nowerdays die younger, if they just sit on the couch ?
Are they chosen to see God way faster than the idiots, which kept their bodys fit ?

>> The inventor of the game is not God and inspiration says that Heaven condemns it.

Ok, so thats new to me.
What about "God created everything" ?
And if not, whats about water taps, medicine, clothing, shoes, eye glasses, the internet, oh yeah and lichess, ....
Go and live in the forest, all naked If you really believe that all inventions of humankind are evil.
Dont be so inconsistent if you know the truth !

>> There are amusements, such as dancing, card playing, chess, checkers, etc., which we cannot approve because Heaven condemns them.

"Dancing" ? Come on!
Why do fundamentalists always try to make a sin of harmless things which connect you to your body ?
I have an idea about that: you are easier to control that way.
Talibans forbid music, ... Sex should never be fun its only for the making children, ... Food is just for feeding, never make it tastefull, ...
Thats a really sullen god we are talking about here.

BTW: I feel really sorry for a lot of the posters there which replied.
Some of them to me seem to have been addicted to online chess. Thats really no fun. Like any addiction - for sure.

>> I have always suspected there was something wrong with it, why is the queen more powerful than the king
Thats true! Women should never be given any power.
Ah wait... Which century do we actually live in ?

>> wanted to buy a chessgame this afternoon. But i just cancelled because of God using your site!

In the end I am very happy, that some sites seem to be hosted by God.
Well its not like some miracles in the bible, which we all would stare at - forgetting to breath for a while.
But hey at least God let one true believer make a very unknown website, which needs a server, which needs electricity, which needs .... to tell us that some wooden game is evil.
Yes, definitely, I couldnt think of any easier way to tell us.
Maybe HE (its definitely a male, isnt he ?) should maybe take some days and make a Bible v2.0 - would be much easier for all of us.
For me, a word out of context is like a cloud.

If you only see the cloud, you see the sky as if it was white and not blue... Or is it the steam coming out of a kettle.

Take any word or phrase out of it's true intended context and you are probably altering the meaning or the truth.

If the truth is altered, than for me it has lost some of it's true meaning. Like food, it has a different taste when it expires. Mix an apple in a pie and the apple no longer tastes the same. The word must not be mixed out of context or else it no longer has the same meaning.

When you read a book or look at a movie, I want to finish it and then I'm left with the theme in your mind.
I can then say: It's a drama. But for someone just jumping into the subject and hears me say: It's a drama, they will wonder what drama I am talking about? Nothing is clear & precise without the full picture.
Our lives are not over, and until we complete our lives, we cannot see the full picture. It's like only looking at one side of the coin or looking at a spot on the wall and saying the wall is dark, when in fact it is painted white.

When I was a kid, I had a kids view. Now that I am a senior, I have a different view. Yet I am the same person. My view has changed because of my life experiences.

The true chess line is unknown, until chess is solved. For the time being there are multiple main lines, none of which give a guaranteed checkmate. Are we playing a game that only truly leads to a draw or is there a line that always gives a checkmate? Find an opening that never had a draw and that's probably the main line to play.

Here is something to think about: matthew 18-18

Here's an interesting question: Is the game of chess good for all ages? If it is good for all ages, then chances are it's doing good.

History of chess: Why did a religion ban chess and then approve it? Which religion did not want faces on the chess pieces?
Revelation 14:4 King James Version (KJV)
4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

This passage suggests to me that Christians should remain virgins. I'm tired of these humans always trying to convert me, as another passage tells them to, and wish that they would obey the Golden Rule. They don't like when I reveal the mistakes in their religion and try to convert them to mine, so why do they try to convert me to theirs?
"Chess is about memorizing hundreds and thousands of strategies and moves and using them to exploit the adversary’s bad moves. It is not so much about critical thinking, using your own mind to be creative. Memorization is specific to Catholic education which influenced massively the whole European education. This man-made religion encourages competition between students, they introduced the system of degrees. They have no interest to encourage critical thinking, self-determination."

This is hilarious on so many levels. Thanks for the critical thinking, guy who thinks chess is a secret portal into the Catholic world of memorization and the "man-made religion" of going to college!

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