
Evans Gambit is very good.

I think its played a bit wieredly tho I castled first and waited for his bishop to come out as I just wanted to try it out.
Other than the Queens Gambit, what other good gambits are there? I would like to adopt more gambits into my openings and have a more dashing flair instead of boring positional chess.
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Thank you! I do tend to play aggressive but I want some exciting games where you play sacrifice or have a "brilliancy". When I started playing chess I actually had a problem of hallucinating brilliant moves that didn't exist and were actually blunders. Definitely look into the Benko and Albin
I like the reti gambit. Nf3, d5 , c4 . There is also a trap if your opponent pushes their d-pawn too far.
Yea it looks cool I find it hard to play against the French although I never win when using it.
if you like crazy attacks why not try the old King's Gambit, the bongcloud of the 19th century
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Lol I just made another forum post about why i don't get the King's Gambit. I don't think the King's Gambit is played much anymore in high levels not though.

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