
Sicilian Defense

Is there a variation in Sicilian defense where both sides castle either kingside or queenside?
There are many Sicilians where both players castle kingside. Normally the only time where black has the option to castle on the queenside is during a closed Sicilian.
There are many lines where Black castles queenside. You will find millions of games with homogeneous as well as heterogenous castling.

A random example of mine, an otb enounter with Black castling long.

I meant to ask is there a variation which leads to both sides castling same way? For example, White and Black both castling kingside or White and Black both castling queenside.
In chess there‘s hardly a „lead to.“ Nevertheless, the majority of Sicilian cases will lead to a homogeneous 0-0 0-0, so what’s the fuss about?
Rauzer (the one with d6,Nc6,Nf6 and where white plays Bg5xf6, gxf6...) both usually castle Queenside
Rauzer and Dragon lead to hetereogenous castling. 2. ... e6 and the accelerated Dragon usually lead to homogenous castling.
Why do you want homogenous castling? Both attacking and defending is really fun.
Tastes tend to differ. Fun to one is no fun to another. So for some reason you want to play the Sicilian Defence, but you do not want positions with opposite side castling. If you play the Sicilian Defence, then usually you will castle king's side as black. White will choose what side he castles to. Positions with opposite side castling are sharper, i.e. there is less probability of a draw but more probability of a black win.
The accelerated dragon also leads to the normal dragon if white wants to.

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