
My advice for beginners!


I'm now going to guide you through some things you might want to study and how:

-Basic Endgames

This is essential. You need to learn basic endgames like:
King + Queen vs King (
King + Rook vs King (
King + Pawn vs King (

-Basic Opening Knowledge

This isn't that important. It's better just to learn how to play openings in general, but it's good to know your openings well.

How to choose openings?

-See how you like to play, aggressively, defensively, tacticaly (thinking of multiple moves that can give you advantage), positionaly (getting all your pieces in a good position). Then just write "<type of playstyle> chess openings for white/black". For white choose 1 opening and for black chose 2 openings, first against 1. e4 (King's Pawn moving up) and 1 against 1. d4 (Queen's Pawn moving up).

It's generally the best to just learn how to play openings in general at your level, which you can find here (

If you found your openings and want to learn them, I recommend watching "Thechesswebsite"'s videos about openings, he explains how to play openings at a beginner level.

-En passant
Important chess rule to learn (

-Beginner to Chess Master playlist (

It will help a LOT! This one is really good.

-Watch analysis of famous games on the internet. I recommend watching from Chess Network as they explain it in depth. Kingcrusher's analysis are more for advanced players so don't watch those.

-Once you learn how to analyse games by watching other people do it, analyse your own games with stockfish. The best method is just to firstly analyse it by hand without the engine where you were wrong and what you've missed and only use the engine to confirm if you were right. That way you will learn a lot more from your games.

-If you want to improve a bit, you can also ask a free "coach" (you don't need skype you can use chat), Paulcarrero, he helped me a bit, just say that you are a beginner.

Good luck! :)

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