
How to print the list of the moves?


Is there any possibility to print the list of the moves which is on the right side of the chess board ?

Thank you
Yup. Analysis board, then "FEN&PGN" tab below the board and you have the game available in PGN format.

Yes thanks I already used it.

What I am looking for is a way to print it directly as it appears on the screen, line per line, so I could edit an Excel spreadsheet for example ...
Maybe it's impssible with lichess
i use print pdf in chrome, but if you have a mouse, and start some kind of text selection from bottom in the live page move list, all the way to the opening title, you can get a space-less string if you then right click copy or chrome menu copy. can't right-click on the moves, that's for variation context menu, but if your selection made it to the opening title, then chrome's context menu.

since i'm chess-drunk sometimes, my mouse agility going out the window (or down the drain) and since i like to see the board and pieces associated to the move list highlighted position, i use the pdf printed page. there you can select text in your preferred pdf viewer.

however, getting the pieces alignment with the board is a whole other story: feasible, but not very popular. there is a thread, mine, long winded, hint: play with preview margins, A3 and bigger, landscape. other formats work too, but they go into narrow RW designs, still needing margin tweaking, best learn with A3.

for excel, the pdf avenue offers better move separation. pdf to text conversion needs work because of the text tables being misinterpreted by most converters (move variations misplaced or con-mis-fused), i tried. just plain select in pdf viewer does a better job. i did not play with spreadsheet, as text is enough for me to act as a turn to turn memory mechanism, sometimes within turn (i wish the refreshes were not triggered within turn, but they are, so no multi-game overthinking, another zombie thread).

I am assuming you are into record keeping or game studying, and not looking for a effortless way to load into an engine, I would not like to help that way. And if this is the case, please don't play against me, i can play on my own against a machine.

list only print pdf selected:

If you don't care about printing the board, the simplest is to go the mouse select way from bottom to opening title in live page (chrome browser), then print from context menu while right-clicking at the title (this will only print to pdf the selected text), and you will get a small sized pdf, well arranged, A5 portrait

if move list very long (many variations), need to CSS tweak that region (height, overflow, and flex, the latter at least). can help there more.

A2, landscape , no background, will give still a small sized pdf, and will include your saved premove candidates into a wide design page. use pdf viewer zoom to avoid the void in between. or explore other narrower formats, if don't mind non optimal page breaks.
Along time ago...Lichess had a "print game command" in the fen&page game analysis section below the game. It was removed, and when I asked about it … I got no reply. This was in one of my previous accounts. I have a whole bunch of game records that I printed, using that feature. Perhaps it could be put back in. :]
@Skittle-Head for post-game results summary there is an extension (i think by one of the dev or past dev) that uses external server. However, it does not appear in analysis during game. there may be active pdf avoidance....

Lichess print-friendly PDF is the chrome extension name. (post-game)

perhaps equivalent for FF exists. did not search, as chrome was kind of hinted as best local Stockfish compute. And I can't seem to find a FF extension that does selective pdf print previewing as well as chrome (the only good side that kept me using chrome for years, and the speed initially). I rarely use FF, nowadays, waiting for extension ecosystem maturity.

Editorial, en passant: FF: 16:9-idiotic space wasting horizontal tab bar, is still off-limits for web-ex, is it just to copy chrome? blink constraint?, if so, what a standard?, perhaps a step (practice) in the direction of the ad-blocking-neutralization plan? anybody who might know the intent for FF? sorry for digression, i could not resist after writing FF...

Thank you so much my friend !

This extension is really great !

Best wishes from Paris, France

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