
About classic game time


What is the minimum and maximum time for classic games on Lichess?

Minutes per side or Minutes per side & Increment in seconds.
Lichess says it is 25 minutes minimum for classic game. you can find this by hovering over ratings in profile.
15+15 is classical, 15+14 is still rapid. That means, techically, without increment anything from 22.5 minutes and above is classical. But you can only choose 20 or 25 minutes, so 25 minutes and above.
In addition to what others are saying, the maximum time for Classical is 180+180, simply because that's the longest time control you can actually choose.
The lichess definition contradicts the FIDE definition:
A ‘Rapid chess’ game is one where either all the moves must be completed in a fixed time of more than 10 minutes but less than 60 minutes for each player; or the time allotted plus 60 times any increment is of more than 10 minutes but less than 60 minutes for each player.
A ‘blitz’ game is one where all the moves must be completed in a fixed time of 10 minutes or less for each player; or the allotted time plus 60 times any increment is 10 minutes or less.

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