

What are the possibilities of implementing a chess mode that follows an "WBBW" turn-taking method. This means White makes first move, followed by two black moves and then two white moves, so on and so forth. This is opposed to the alternated turn taking ("WBWB") that is standard in chess.

I think this would be an interesting chess-mode for fun here in Lichess and that could create all sort of possibilities and unexpected results. It would certainly be challenging and entertaining to see what could happen in this game mode.

What do you guys think?
Yeah, first turn white plays e4, black plays e5 and Nc6, White plays Bc4 and Nc4, Black plays Nf6 Bc5, White plays Qh5 Qf7#. GG. If you do that, regular mate in one threats become impossible to stop because they can do it all in one turn.
@Gymhgy That's part of the point. Creating an unexpected outcome (sort of like Crazyhouse) and attempting to avoid getting into a position where you could be mated in one (or two in this case).
@Francesco_Super Another interesting fact about this type of turn-taking is that (at least in theory) it evens out the odds more. The edge that White has over Black because of having taking the first turn is reduced.
This probably hands the initiative to black. For example white 1 e4 black 1...e5, ...Bc5 threatens 2...Qh4, Qxf2#
White can defend 2 b4, bxc5 and win a piece

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