
Draw offer on move ....

Feature request : We seee in the chat: Black offers draw,
White declines draw. But it does not say on what move it was offered.

It would be nice to see something like:

Black offers draw on move 32.
White declines draw on move 33.


32) ... Black offers draw
33) White declines draw


Move 32, Black offers draw
Move 33, White declines draw

The correlation between the moment a player offers a draw and the result of an analyses showing how bad the position was when the offer was sent. It may help people realize that there was no need to offer a draw, of it may make engine users stand out more, when they offer the draw when the engine sees a checkmate.

I would find it odd for a player to always decide to offer a draw, exactly at the moment an engine analyses says Checkmate is now unavoidable, especially if it's #23 deep(Mate in 23).
It would be simpler and better to add the notation (=) to record the draw offer. The fact that the draw was declined is obvious as the game continues.
If a notation is chosen (I prefer the first suggestion, on chat, write the number, but if...), then please use a different sign. "=" in PGN means the position is evaluated as equal, which is clearly not the case here. A notation could be a written word on curly brackets {white offered a draw} and no need to add a comment saying black declined, since it is clear from the game continuing anyway.
edited: indeed (=) is draw offer. the = by itself without the parenthesis is "equal chances".
If the draw was refused by playing a move that checkmates, it would look like this:
37. Qxe5 (=) Rf6 #
If the draw was accepted it could end with:
37. Qxe5 (=) {Draw Accepted}
The comment is to indicate what type of draw.

How could the symbol (=) get amended into the actively playing scoresheet ?
Can the type of draw as a comment be added to the end game?

The offer / decline of a draw is the position I want to analyze at the end of the game.
So the symbol needed to locate that draw offer position.

A draw game sample is visible on this link:
At C.13
Would be nice to know when draw was offered. If I have offered draw on a certain move, there seems to be no way for me to offer draw a move later when the draw has become clearer to both players.
@finlip Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe that, according to FIDE rules, once you offer a draw, your opponent may accept it at any time, even if you manage to come back and gain a winning position.
Therefore, offering a draw a second time would be redundant.
@Irishman964 You can accept your draw offer until you make a move yourself if you haven't declined the offer yet. If they offer draw in their turn, you can ask them to move and the offer stands. After you move it means the offer has been declined.

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