
Getting motivated again

Grow a thicker skin. The cheaters gained nothing and you lost some points on the internet that mean nothing. If you are more worried about rating points than having fun, maybe it's time to stop...
Life is full of bad experiences. We get through them as long we don't give up.

It's easy to tell someone to grow a thicker skin. But that doesn't always work. We can pretend we are machines and lock every human feeling inside a safe. But eventually the safe is gonna crack. Chess should be a fun not frustrating. Sometimes it's just better to take a step back and come back when you feel like it. If it isn't fun then what's the point?
@sterobe what part of playing cheaters is fun? Its not about the ratings, its about the effects on the player after they lose to the cheater.
@lovlas I'm glad you understand, and good way to describe it. The safe cracked and the fun is lost from the game. Anytime I play I wonder if I'm up against another cheater.
@vayomer_elohim too late, I gave up but thanks for the encouragement.
@Kokati I am curious how you are going to react when you find out that some of your classmates cheat in school tests, copy homework from others and get higher marks than you because of cheating. What would you do in this situation?
Stumbling across cheaters in ANY field is 10000% Guaranteed to happen in your lifetime.. If you do not have the strength to SHOW you are stronger, then YOU are even weaker than the cheater. Show YOU are the stronger one, not the weaker one.

Something that has helped me grow a thicker skin is to realize that no one cares about what I do. I mean this not in a negative skin, rather if you fail, no one criticizes you.

Hope I didn't make you hate chess even more.
@PlexusQuartz not at all, makes sense. Just don't enjoy it anymore.
@hangrad if you spent half as much time studying as you did trolling you might make it to 2000 before you die
Some things in life you can control, some things you can't. It's only worth worrying about the things you can.

If you lose to a cheater, you still could have played well, had fun and learned something. And they would have gained nothing.
If you have played 2 cheaters, know that 99.99% of players don't cheat. It will be very unlikely you counter a cheater again!

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