
Benoni Defense

Does anyone else play this opening? I have just started using it and I have had some quick wins with it. I think it is a good way for black to play and maybe a lot of d4 players won't be familiar with it.

This starts as Benoni but transformed to some form of Sicilian when he played dxc5. Classical Benoni is when he plays d4-d5.
White cooperates in every respect. It can lead to a bad version of the Benoni because White hasn't played c4 and can use the square c4 for the knight.

So, 2.d5! followed by a later Nf3-d2-c4.

PS: Are you tough enough facing Moron (Morra) gambit? 1.d4 c5 2.e4!?
Ok. That is the ECO classification, but the structure is Sicilian.
This is no Benoni: white has neither pushed d5 nor played c4. White can transform to a Sicilian right away with 2 e4 if he wants. Classical Benoni is 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5. Also then white is not obliged to push d5 and can play 3 Nf3 instead.
I haven't came across the Moron gambit yet but will check that out now lol. Thanks CM Sarg0n.
The Smith Morra gambit is 1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 c3.
As said above white can also play 3 Nf3 for a normal Sicilian.

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