
Philidor's Defense

I've switched to playing the Philidor exclusively, which inexplicably caused a huge increase in my rating. Most people play the variation in which the queens are traded, which in itself is not that surprising, but it seems like black ends up with a decisive advantage in every game. For example, here is one of my earlier games, in which I won against a 1952 rated player:

What I'm wondering is why do white players seem to do so terribly against this line?
@soni777 it is indeed interesting topic, please put more games where you think your chosen opening gave you advantage. I am impressed how your opponent failed to play with any idea... how is he rated so high is another question, maybe was drunk... As per my judgement black has to be a bit worse where Queens exchanged (King can't castle), and adding to that doubled pawn on f file should give white some optimistic chances, but... yeah but... if opponent plays Nf3 blocking his pawn, which is taken two moves later, or previously plays move like Nd5?? (tempo waster), then falls into pawn fork, yeah then you have chances with any opening against such an opponent. Try next Sicilian defence on him, I am sure he will lose even earlier :)
Conclusion" your opponent didn't use any time to think on his moves (20 min given, used a bit more than 2), perhaps that's why he wasted tempos, blundered and positionally didn't impress at all...
You on the other hand played very accurately, avcpl of 19 indicates as very good use of opportunities, keep it going
By the way you played Pirc defense there, Philidor starts with e5 on e4, Nf3 d6.
@TrainingOTB I think it is classed as a Philidor since in the Pirc black plays g6. Most books on the Philidor give the 1.e4 d6 move order. Here are some more games (in the last one I think I blundered to a draw):

I would not read much about the opening from this comedy of blunders. 18 Na4 was ridiculous (I would have played Ne2), while 19 c3 was not great either, losing the piece with zero compensation. He also gave up a pawn without a fight at 12, then missed 15 d6+, which either gets the very active bishop for a knight or recovers the pawn and/or ends up on an unassailable outpost at f5.
The closed Philidor via Hanham is de facto unplayable. There are at least 3 serious traps / „refutations“. So 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Nd7 is outright bad.
@Sarg0n are you saying the Philidor after 1.e4 d6 is unplayable too, or only after 1.e4 e5?
Phlidor is solid but passive.
It scores well as many players have little experience with playing against it and thus are forced to think on their own.
This was a 20+0 time control but at the time of the blunder both players had 17 minutes left.
Here is an example on a higher level

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