
I think stockfish analyzed this wrong

If Ne5 there is Vxh5 but there still is a advantage to black after Rxf3
just see the lines it gives.stockfish is 3400,it is never wrong in tactics

Don't be an ignorant. You can download any outdated Stockfish version and you will never be able to outplay it. The only difference between current and outdated SF is noticeable in engine vs engine competitions.

The Terminator is Terminating - Plain and simple
In May lichess updated stockfish from 8 to 9

RK version was so broken that it had no idea what to do at all

They fixed it only 2 days later
Why did you use "V" in Vxh5? I only know it stands for the queen here because only the queen can take h5. Different language I assume.

Nd2+ seems to be the best response to Ne5! to me. Stockfish didn't compute it. 25 Nd2+ Qxd2 26 Qxd2 Nxd2 25 Ke2 which leaves me down a knight, but it eliminates the threat and I'm still up 2 pawns with the potential for a passed pawn. Qxh5 gets my position destroyed. Then again, my position is not good anyway with a weak spot at g2 and Nc3 being stuck there.
Yes, it stands for the queen.

After Ne5, Qxh5 is the best move (based on stockfish evaluations). After Rxf3 Ke2, black must find the move Rxe3! which is not a easy move to find. After Rxe3, black has -1,5 advantage whereas your move gives black a decisive (-4,5) advantage because there is in between move Rxf3+ followed by Rf2+ after you take black queen.
You can compute it to see the variations

> just see the lines it gives.stockfish is 3400,it is never wrong in tactics

In embedded computer analysis SF sees on depth about 16-18 plies and makes a plenty of mistakes.

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