
2 winning moves in puzzle #yEIXF

Hey everyone.
puzzle #yEIXF
After b4 and h6 i played Kf6 to stop the pawn. It said i was wrong, i lost points and the correct move would be Kf7. I dont understand why Kf6 is wrong. Stockfish says both moves are winning (-14.0 für Kf7 and -12,9 for Kf6, depth 25/25).
after Kf6 white can give a check with pawn g6, so maybe Kf6 is a little slower but there is no significant difference. both moves are clearly winning for black. am i wrong? is stockfish wrong?
The puzzles are based on the move which will take the least time to make a mate not as per winning positions , you had to play the most efficient move. When are are two roads , choose the one which has no traffic.
@RadioNorbert Yes, you're right the puzzle will probably be removed soon.

@WillBeAGrandMaster said in #3:
> The puzzles are based on the move which will take the least time to make a mate not as per winning positions , you had to play the most efficient move.
That's not true, a puzzle must always have only one solution. If it has multiple winning moves and all the winning moves aren't listed as correct it is a wrong puzzle.
I am not even sure it is faster to play Kf7. If white goes for check on g6, this is a possibility to play Kg6 so you can instantly take the h-pawn if white moves it. After Kf7 - h7 you have to play Kg7 to take the pawn in the next move. So is it really faster to play Kf7? Why? btw. I analyzed it again. Now stockfish says Kf7 and Kf6 are both -16,7. So i am pretty sure there is no significant difference.
#1 I'm at depth 31: Kf7 is -35.4 and Kf6 is -29.5. I would agree that both moves are working equally.
No, puzzles not are not supposed to have multiple winning moves.

Kf6 mates in 18

Kf7 mates in 18.

Poor puzzle.

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