
Berserk mode points gained during a winning streak

Wouldn't it make more sense if when you win a game in berserk mode and you are in a winning streak the points that you gain were doubled (because of the winning streak) after the berserk mode point has already been added. That means that instead of gaining 2*2+1=5 points you would gain (2+1)*2=6 points.
Otherwise there is no real benefit of going berserk. You have to win 4 berserk games to get the points equivalent to one extra win during winning streak but if you lose one game you essentially lose 8 points (4 points of the game you lost and 2 + 2 from your next two wins because you are no longer in a winning streak). But when you are not in a winning streak two berserk wins are equivalent to one extra win. So I think it would make more sense if the ratio of berserk wins to one extra win remained the same during winning streak as well.
I totally agree with this, otherwise there's absolutely no benefit of berserking.
I think this is a reasonable suggestion, but I do not think berserking gives no benefit under current rules. There were many tournaments in which a margin between the 1st and 2nd places was less than the number of games the 1st place player won in berserk mode. For instance, see

I play mostly 1min bullet, but I believe the situation with longer time controls is similar. More than that, I think berserking is much easier in longer games --- the strong players play more or less equally strong with 5mins and with 10mins on their clock.
Nice performance!
Though, could you please estimate how many points you would have if you had not berserked?

In any case I don't disagree that some times you can have a benefit.

But I think that statistically there is no benefit.
That means that the risk is disproportionally large to the benefits except if you have a huge strength difference from your opponents so that the risk decreases but usually in this case you would win the tournament anyway.
That's why most people (correctly) don't use it (even fins uses it quite rarely) or when they use it they harm themselves.

In the end I am asking why the berserk mode should't bear the same risk when you are in a winning streak to when you are not.
I agree.
That way berserk mode will make more sense.
@qweasdzxc88 I have been thinking about your question, but I still think berserking against players with sufficiently small rating gives to a benefit. Of course, the exact meaning of "sufficiently small" depends on time control and particular player :)

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