
Your chess personality

genius, the capablanca kind (positional who don't search for complications.little or no calculation, just feels the pulse of the position.rarely lose (well i'm still learning)

looks like i don't play the kind of positions i'm for
I was definitely 50-50 with like 10 questions and so randomly clicked answers, but well, the app says Grinder (Karpov).
Prodigy... like Magnus Carlson. Suggested openings: Ruy Lopez Spanish; Queen's Gambit for the white pieces/ Sicilian and Gruenfeld for black pieces... I currently play english/sicilian/nimzo... Should I change my repertoire?
I took the test 3 times and got mastermind 2 times and surgeon 1 time.
I like to attack the opponent and finish him off.I sacrifice pieces but only problem is I lose the game :)

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