
Claim win when opponent is AFK in your turn


I played a guy trolling me when faced with a certain loss. He was obviously stalling his move to annoy me. So I left the lichess app and browsed the web for a minute. When I came back it was still his turn but he had claimed the win because I was afk ..

Should someone really be ably to claim a win because the opponent is AFK in your own turn ?? That is just encouraging people to behave badly.

Link to game (I have reported him):

Unfortunately, wasting time is legal. Nobody likes it when their opponent stalls, but it is their time and they can do whatever they want (except cheating). But you shouldn't leave the game. That just fuels them even more. They do it because people get impatient, and eventually leave.
Obvious stalling is not OK and we do take measures against it if it happens regularly (up to closing the offending account).
It might be their time but anti-sportive behavior does not have to be tolerated.
Well, a basic rule. Everyone can use in every moment his allotted time for thinking, or generally: not moving.

So there will never be measure against cosuming your whole time: it is allotted to everyone and one is allowed to use it completely.
#4 CM SargOn It's very easy to see if a pattern exists for a certain player that stalls games in lost positions. If so, it's not about using time for thinking, but unsportitive behaviour, which in longer TCs can be a big problem. So I don't agree with you. I think erikelrojo's point is good.

#1 However if you decide to browse web during play keep the lichess window still open.

Just to clarify. I think it's OK if they use their time. However, for them to be able to claim victory if I just idly brows the web while they do just that does not seem fair.

IMO I think the AFK timer should run in your own turn only.
I agree with you erikelrojo. In this obvious cases where it's borderline trolling should not be accepted even though it's according to the rules. It's disrespectful
By the way, there are some rules in the FIDE laws of chess that leave things opened to the arbiter's interpretation (article 11: the conduct of the players) so it's not clear to me that it's "according to the rules".

Imagine a similar situation in an OTB game (slow TC) between 2 relatively strong players where 1 of them rather than playing a forced move that allows mate in 1 next move gets up from the board (in front of the arbiter) and says "Now you wait!". I'd be curious to know what the arbiter would do. Maybe a FIDE arbiter could tell us.
If you leave the tab with the game open, lichess will send you a notification when your opponent moves unless you blocked notifications for lichess of course. Also you'll not be AFK. That solves this problem for browsers I believe. The mobile app for lichess is awful, however.

I disagree with @Sarg0n : stalling in the position, where any fool can see it is completely lost, (especially if you have only one legal move, as on the diagram) is not a usage of your time for thinking but the attempt to annoy your opponent and make him resign or AFK, gaining rating points BY OTHER MEANS than your own intellect, that can be considered cheating. At the moment it isn't considered such on lichess, that embarrasses me a little, but fortunately this rarely happens on high ratings.

I don't see how AFK timer only in your move solves the problem. The opponent could as well make the move when he saw you went AFK.

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