
Help refute 2300 puzzle solution

Presumably because black plays 15...c6 and 16...f5 to stop the white queen from defending g2.
15.Qd5 c6 16.Qe4 f5 (the queen must stay in touch with g2, so White needs some desperate counter) 17.Bh5 Qxh5 18.Qf4 (White recovers the bishop on h3, but is under a fierce attack) Rf6 19.gxh3 b6! (the Nc5 guards d3 where Black's Ne5 would fork Bb2 and Qf4). This last move proves a Black advantage, but you don't need that to show that 15.g3 is superior to 15.Qd5.

According to Komodo, after 19...b6, White can limp on with 20.Rad1 guarding d3, 20.f3 preventing Nf3+ and 20.Kh1 preventing Rg6+. Black's knight is pinned on the rook f6 and Black needs one more tempo before winning material, so White can avoid the worse. Nonetheless, after 19...bxc5, material is equal and White's king is exposed.
Excellent, thank you! I thought the f pawn was still pinned after Qe4

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