
Creation proposal : Correspondence chess tournament

The tournament would have to take a few weeks. But I agree to this suggestion .
@angevine ICCF allows engine and tablebase use. This is very explicit when you go to register and the national liaison double checks to make sure it's ok with the player before they officially register you. Their mindset is that it is too troublesome to find cheaters that they just allow engines in "the search for truth".
I am so tired of the wasted time with the cheaters under the bed, or in that category you don't understand, and never play.

I would support tournament for the principle. not for me, i don't want to be confronted face on to my limitations.

i already don't manage the time in my 6 or 7 games. a tournament might be too much.

Watch out, your neighbor might a sleeper-cheater.....they are everywhere. and... the end is nigh....
In correspondence games the search for cheaters is not complicated. It's not more complicated than in the live game ... And I don't understand (ChesswurmOTB) your opposition to organize this type of tournament.
It's enough to establish rules of ethics and to enforce them (as in live). After everyone is confronted with his conscience and it remains a matter of morality, as in everyday life ...
There will always be cheaters but this should not prevent HONEST players from enjoying the fun of the game and playing by correspondence ...
If it's useful for Lichess, I'm willing to help organize these tournaments ...
@angevine I never said I was against the creation of this tournament, I actually like the idea. I just wouldn't play. My comments were only to support the claim that it's harder to catch cheaters in correspondence.
@ChesswurmOTB No problem my friend, it's always interesting to confront our ideas. ;-)
In lichess Staff, do you know who to propose the idea ?...
Unfortunately there has been never response or contact from lichess staff about this proposal ... Then, is solution for players who wish playing correspondence is to go to on another site ??? ... That's very strange !!... : - (((

Can someone explain me WHY lichess staff ignore this request?........

It's frustrating. But I accept the site is not a professional site. With excellent features are connected lacking ones.

Maybe you look at Lechenicher Schachserver for corresponce tournaments. You can get engine and no engine tournaments there and according to my experience this works there as good as possible in these days. Click on the flag with your language.
Yes I understand that this site (which is very well done) is not professional but it's a pity that the requests are not heard and silence of Lichess leaders encourages players to go elsewhere ... Personally I'm willing to donate money, but Staff behavior is not encouraging ...

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