
i let someone go and he meant the world to me and i thought it made them happy


Brain: I'm gonna pretend as if I never saw that.

(Fact: Your brain made you ask your brain to not do those things, which will also be ignored by your brain.)
Dude might come back if you'd add some comas and dots in your post.
Anyway, don't mind too much. People have been breaking up since the dawn of humanity and we turned out almost fine. You might think he was the one, the only, but there are so many great people, one day you might just meet someone who's your true soulmate.
Sigh... you seem to have gotten a handle of life and then the handle comes off right in your hand...
Looks like Lichess off topic is now “come here and seek emotional support “. Just joking.
This is legit the story of me and my brain:

Me: Aight time to get this assignment done!

Brain: No no, I never said you could do that, we'll be doing that TOMORROW


Me: Aight time to finally finish this assignment!

Brain. Hahahahahahhahahahah, yeah no.
Here are the most common categories of people who post in the 'off topic forum' : people with attention deficit, depressed people, very lonely people and people who pretend that they are as cool as super Mario, The Terminator or Batman. I see hairs growing on my face, I guess after I finish writing these lines I've transformed to a wolverine.
I like doing things almost perfectly and yet my brain doesn't want to do those things and I end up handing in B+ work.
another love forum?! i just came across five this is the sixth one!!

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