
New ratings are just ridiculous!

From the people who are commenting in this forum, I can only conclude that there are a lot of people new in chess, who are over the moon that their Lichess rating is rising by leaps and bounds. The problem is that this V2 rating is an absolute fake!

These V2 puzzles should have been introduced gradually, little by little, side by side with the V1 established puzzles! For God's sake!
Why do you care so much about other people's puzzle rating?
@IsaVulpes : It is mostly about my own rating that I care about, buddy. Fake ratings are just that, whether mine or somebody else's. Do you like fake ratings?
All Puzzle ratings are fake, and always have been.

People could literally click into the gamelink, switch on the engine, see the solution, go back to the puzzle & play it, to get a 3500 rating.

Don't worry about it. Take a break from puzzles, enjoy the holidays, in 2 weeks or whenever the ratings will have somewhat stabilized and you can go back to solving.
For the hard of thinking, this is #MaltaCross's point : if one is concerned about ONE'S OWN rating (as a measure of ONE'S OWN progress) it is really quite important that ONE'S OWN rating is not influenced by arbitrary changes to the system.

I mean really, how hard is that to understand?
I thought the other people's rating were like my puzzles were rated to me. Despite that, it's good to compare players to see how good you are, how much you still need to improve, etc.
I personally don't mind seeing my puzzle rating go up a couple of hundred points (no matter how "fake" it is lol), but I am curious as to why the old puzzles could not have been incorporated into this new system?
I think he does pose a point in that the puzzles have become easier for some reason. Yesterday I jumped up 288 rating points, then today again 70 I believe? That's like a gain from 1500 to almost 1900 in a few days. Is there any explanation for this? I'm just wondering because the ratings for the puzzles seem to be higher than they used to be. It could just be a fluke for me though(I'm not saying this rating difference is bad, just curious about the new rating system).

Edit: I looked at my profile and the day before the change I lost 73 points down to 1532, then for some reason gained 288 points the next day and then 73 points to 1893. It is just very strange.

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