
Two amateurs.

This is a game I just completed, which I won because my opponent left the game. I'm curious as to how either side could have done better. I'm only at (as of this win) 1223, so I'm not a strong player at all. Any insight would be great.

That's what I was assuming as well. I saw a couple of ways he could even up the score, but I think he left after he saw the game go sour. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I screwed up a few times moving too quickly but it definitely made me think.
I'm not an expert by any means, but here are some things I noticed:
Don't block in your bishops so early. On move 4 you blocked in your dark square bishop instead of deploying it to a more active square (c5).

You made a pawn move to protect e5 when it wasn't necessary. You could have pinned his knight with your light squared bishop with that move (before he played h3 his next move).

Castling on queen side can be very risky, especially when there are not a lot of pawns in front of the king. You also should generally try to avoid pushing pawns in front of your king like how you did. Those are generally defensive pawns (not offensive).

I like how you messed up white's pawn structure by exchanging queens.

Hope this helps.

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