
are there unknown talents in the world that we dont know can beat any super gm today even Magnus

There's definitely people out there with that potential but I doubt there's anyone who has achieved that skill level unnoticed. Without playing competitively at that level it is impossible to achieve that level of play because without being faced with opponents of that level you couldn't develop a level of play to beat opponents of that level.

I know I don't have the potential to be that great but I could be better than I am although probably only moderately so. But people with that potential are definitely out there. Name any grandmaster. Now imagine they never started playing chess. They'd still have the potential to be great but it would be unrealized.
@ahamz absolutely, i had the potential to become billionaire, speak 5 languages, having a phd, writing an earth moving treaty about entropy. Become a tea farmer, the maker and tea specialist. But karma has sent enemies upon me, now that potential will never be realized.
I was playing Gomoku, Go, and Checkers in order for me to try to improve my chess. I may try going to Shogi later but the problem is the pieces do not have form just chinese characters like Hon Chi chon zhong zhang chong hong kong fong nong uyghurs, so thinking in that game becomes an issue. As a matter of fact it seems there are more better Chinese players those days than in old times; so maybe communist China may be investing in some athletes, just like North Korea probably invests in powerlifters, or just promoting the sport for their citizens/slavs.
@ahamz unrealized potential

@ahamz shogi is a Japanese game, though they use Chinese characters I don't think many Chinese play it. You probably mean Chinese chess.

Though I didn't know shogi was tactical, you can choose the starting position I think, more I don't know. Isn't it like the old day chess, when chess was more strategic?
well there is my grandmother, she's very unknown in the chess world but could crush anybody including carlsen. unfortunately she prefers to play checkers but c'est la vie.
@ahamz Who said I was talking to you to begin with?
@Ihavenothing No. I meant Shogi. By the way, you may guess I confused Japanese with Chinese characters, but that doesn't matter as far I am concerned; both are "Chinese"/kanji, whatever. Note: I have no idea about old days in chess. By the way, you made me to discover there is also a Chinese chess called Xiangqi. It seems more appailing than Shogi :).
@Averiil It would be cool if you made a video with her. Talents should not be missed; that assuming you are not lying as females are generally worse than males in chess (if a female could manage to beat everyone's *sses, then it would be the first time on history that it happened).

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