
I have a suggestion to make: Let's introduce Vote Chess!

Here's what I'm thinking: There would be an active Chess game going on right on the menu page, where the moves made are voted upon by the community. Every registered member could participate, and after a certain stretch of time (I'm thinking, like 1-3 days) , the move with the most votes would be played out; then the board would be flipped and the game continues like normally. The biggest rival of Lichess, has that awesome and fun feature, so why shouldn't it be here, too?
That s not a bad idea, but I d prefer If the "voting" could only be done by members of one team, then we could finally have team matches.
@rayquaza Either way, the inclusion of this type of Chess would be fantastic! :) I remember Thibault saying some years back, that team matches wouldn't become a thing anytime in the foreseeable future (if I'm misremembering, I apologize!), and it looks like he hasn't changed his yet.
@TheBigDecline vote chess is good, but is NOT lichess' biggest rival. They can't even be compared. Lichess can be compared with FICS and ICC. I used for about a year before discovering this site, and they can't compete:
Bad things:
More Ads
Strong players getting paid in order to play on that site
More lag
People with mental issues inventing openings on the forums
Money required to access most of the site
No atomic chess (and other variants)
Good Things:
its name
2Q1C banned
Strong guys writing articles
Vote chess
Team matches
Good things:
No ads
Infinite puzzles
Completely free
40 million games opening explorer
Atomic chess (and other variants)
Forums are good (for now; see them when this site hits 5-10 Mil players)
Mods kind, cheaters immediately banned
Tournaments (Arena, Berserk )
less players (yes it is good)
No lag
Bad things:
2Q1C here
No vote chess
No team matches
No fancy name like
Big tourneys are in strange times

Considering these, is not lichess' biggest rival.
@savagechess2k: You're right in everything you say. I simply couldn't think up of a better description than 'rival'. Maybe 'competitor'? It doesn't matter anyways, as Lichess makes the developer team absolutely no cash, other than voluntary donations. I AM A LICHESS FANBOY, because it's the most entertaining site in the world (if you're into playing this game). But it could be even better.
Good summary made by savage! The real point for improvement for lichess is the team play. This strengthens the community and is really powerful !
Every site has individual tournaments. That's fine and the core of the game.
Vote chess is one element of community play: it would be catching up to
But if you want to excel the competition, let's go for real online team matches. Set up a team championship, a "League of lichess" :-) where teams of x players can meet and play at an agreed time in Rapid or Blitz mode !

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