
Who do you like best:Dobby, Winky, or Kreacher.

Kreacher made Sirius die, so no. Winky is nice, but she is kinda emotionally enstable. Dobby is my favorite cause he is sometimes funny and actually helps. Sure, Kreacher does help a little, but because of the reason above, I don't like him
I'm waiting for the sequel where the house elves join together to loose their shackles, letting the alleys run red with the blood of the bourgeois wizarding class who blithely exploit and enslave these noble creatures.
So far, we've had threads about favorite Harry Potter characters, books, movies, broomsticks, quotes, mediums, spells, and memes, and I've held my tongue for the most part.
I'm going to have to draw the line at "Out of a list of three minor characters from Harry Potter that could be described as 'a blatant Smeagol rip-off with self-esteem issues and a countenance which bears a vague resemblance to a diseased ℘€₦!$,' which is your favorite?"
Let's try to cut down on the Harry Potter threads in the forum, just so people don't start to feel like the forums are only for 9-15 year olds.
Perhaps there is a team devoted to Harry Potter in which you could ask this question? If not, you could always make one-- I'm sure many people would be willing to join a Harry Potter team.
Don't diss Smeagol like that. Smeagol was complex. He was a simple hobbit who grew increasingly corrupted with the influence of the One Ring, which was the same thing that was happening with both Frodo and Bilbo.

When shown kindness and sympathy, Gollum showed redemptive qualities and proved to be a fickle, yet invaluable, traveling partner to Sam and Frodo.

Gollum was one path that Frodo and Sam could have gone down themselves if they didn't have the support of kith and kin, along with the guiding hand of Gandalf who was a powerful Maiar. And still, in the end, neither Frodo nor Gollum were able to escape the Ring's corrupting influence.

House elves are just slaves with a friendly face for the audience. It's not unlike Mammy from 'Gone with the Wind,' who presents a whitewashed version of slavery and romanticizes the treatment of blacks.

People should be disgusted by wizard's keeping slaves. While we're on the subject, goblins are treated like garbage by the wizarding world too. Wizards are filled to the brim with goose-stepping supremecists.

I'd love to see the House Elf rebellion plot where they ally with the goblins to burn down the Ministry of Magic and kill their masters while they sleep.
No. 8
You might need to turn in your membership card, chief. I said that those three particular elves looked like ℘€₦!$es and were Smeagol rip-offs, not the race of elves in general. Legolas is quite badass, for instance, as was Fëanor.
Your association of ℘€₦!$-resemblance to the general elf community indicates that YOU are the one who is an elf racist!

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