
what's the best subway Sandwich to get at Subway? and which one is best to have with soup?

please I need a good sandwich to get at subway that is always the right one to get every time
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I don't think you can do better than the BMT, that's my favourite. And I, for one, love Subway's bread.
Make your own, they taste much better than the industrially produced. Buy the ingredients and prepare them at home.
I'm an investor in subway via index funds but I'd never eat there.
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> They all suck. Mainly because Subway bread is lame.

The meats suck as well.
bmt add lettuce, tomatoes, olives

mustard, lite mayo, lite oil

oregano, oregano, oregano


I'm skipping those soup calories, just make it two bmts' - special

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