
What is your opinion of Horsey?

trashy, overused, and overall not funny anymore
I like horsey as a mascot and as a group of people who make CREATIVE fanfics and fan pics. However, I do not like the fact that it is overused to death.
@AverageParrot said in #4:
> Horsey is somehow funny for people who just joined lichess.
Member since 7 Feb 2015


@A_0123456 said in #5:
> I like horsey as a mascot and as a group of people who make CREATIVE fanfics and fan pics. However, I do not like the fact that it is overused to death.
I like making horsey edits sometimes if there's a nice group of people about

I think that the overuse of horsey has a certain telling psychic effect on people - there are those who can't stand it anymore - or those who find it enticing and thrilling to the last. After all - if one cannot accommodate the repetition of reality and make light of it - there will be many more things to annoy oneself over the years.
Horsey was just an April fool's joke to begin with.
There have been many a great idea bourne of that day

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