
What is your favourite Sci-Fi book?

Others include:
The ever so popular "Frankenstein", Mary Shelley
Probably the oldest sci-fi story "A True Story", Lucian of Samosata
One of my favorites, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas", by Jules Verne
Before the DeLorean, "The Time Machine" was great at informing about Morlocks, by H. G. Wells
And before Star Wars, there was "The War of the Worlds", with invading Martians, by H. G. Wells as well.
Also favorites are "1984", George Orwell, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley and its predecessor, "We", by Yevgeny Zamyatin.
I must admit though, that I personally enjoy watching Sci-Fi movies as well, if not even more.
@george_mcgeorge said in #6:
> Others include:
> "Frankenstein", Mary Shelley
> "A True Story", Lucian of Samosata
> "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas", by Jules Verne
> "The Time Machine", by H. G. Wells
> "The War of the Worlds", by H. G. Wells.
> "1984", George Orwell,
> "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
> "We", by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

An interesting compilation. Here are a few additional suggestions:

Ursula K. LeGuin, "The Left Hand of Darkness"
Ursula K. LeGuin, "The Dispossessed
Stanislaw Lem: "Summa Technologiae"
Arkady & Boris Strugatzky: "Monday begins on Saturday"
Arkady & Boris Strugatsky: "Roadside Picnic" (movie version: "Stalker", by A. Tarkowski)
Robert Heinlein: "Stranger in a Strange World"
Michael Moorcock: "Behold the Man"
John Brunner, "Stand on Zanzibar"
Dan Simmons, "Hyperion"
Kim Stanley Robinson, "Red Mars, Blue Mars, Green Mars" (trilogy)
Douglas Adams, "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency."
Philip K, Dick, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (movie version: "Bladerunner")
@ Nomen-Nonatur said in #7:
> Ursula K. LeGuin, "The Left Hand of Darkness"
> Ursula K. LeGuin, "The Dispossessed
> Stanislaw Lem: "Summa Technologiae"
> Arkady & Boris Strugatzky: "Monday begins on Saturday"
> Arkady & Boris Strugatsky: "Roadside Picnic" (movie version: "Stalker", by A. Tarkowski)
> Robert Heinlein: "Stranger in a Strange World"
> Michael Moorcock: "Behold the Man"
> John Brunner, "Stand on Zanzibar"
> Dan Simmons, "Hyperion"
> Kim Stanley Robinson, "Red Mars, Blue Mars, Green Mars" (trilogy)
> Douglas Adams, "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency."
Very interesting. Will check some out. Thanks for sharing!
> Philip K, Dick, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (movie version: "Bladerunner")
Has no one read #3?
@george_mcgeorge said in #8:
> Has no one read #3?

I have - along with a lot of other PKD stories. I just oversaw that you already mentioned it. The movie, btw., is great, but quite different from the book.

One I forgot:

Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg, "Według łotra" (english title: According, to the Thief)

When this book came out many believed that was Stanisłav Lem writing under pseudonym.
Time Out Of Joint - PKD
Conjure Wife - Fritz Leiber
Red Shift - Alan Garner
Quest For The Future - Van Vogt
The World Inside - Silverberg

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