
What if there was another star in our solar system?

A binary star while the planets revolve around them... Imagine Jupiter actually turned into a star when it was born, which in reality it couldn't
Our wasp race would be able to survive... right? RIGHT??
@buzzywasps said in #5:
> Took a while to get the "joke". That a dad joke?
I ain't your dad. and it's true, you can google that if you don't believin' me.
@HemaWorst said in #6:
> I ain't your dad. and it's true, you can google that if you don't believin' me.
i said #5 after googling it :p maybe you should take your own advice.
Ik you aren't my dad, duh. You didn't get what i meant
If such a thing would happen, our Earth's orbit would be very unstable.

Only 50% of Binary Stars can support life in their Planetary Systems.
There is going to happen in the future.
There is a star that is half the mass of the sun coming to the solar system.
(My astrology sucks)
@natbee56 said in #9:
> There is going to happen in the future.
> There is a star that is half the mass of the sun coming to the solar system.
> (My astrology sucks)


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