
What are you inherently terrible at but wished you could do well?

@Donya1386 #11
God I wish I could tell you how much I hate that accursed statement, but unfortunately I lack the vocabulary to do so..


So no. Not everything can be achieved with practice. You won't be walking to the moon. Practice what you will.
@sequoiaboi Of course, again when I think some things can not be changed, I remembered the day I was offered a job in modeling in the United States and they even told me they wanted to get me a plane ticket. But I could not I admit that although it was not a bad offer, they could give me anything I wanted. It was an escape and I did not accept it because of my family and I never told them .. but I could be very successful .. maybe later I could also get into acting from it. Sometimes luck is very important. Yes, I fully realize, some things can not be changed, not by practice and nothing else ..i am sorry!
@Donya1386 Everything is good and everything happens for a reason. As the great Gottfried Wilhelm (von) Leibniz (1 July 1646 [O.S. 21 June] – 14 November 1716) said: "God assuredly always chooses the best."

Who knows if I was so good at chess, I might have never discovered the joys of being a mathematician and the inner beauty of the equations solvable by radicals. For the beauty of the equations solvable by radicals is tantamount to the beauty of a top-model to me, even more so...
WAIT!@ramnmamnmar But when you can have a better life, but because of your family you can not get what you want, it is sad and painful. If I were in America, I would like to be a famous singer and actor, but in the country where I live, I have to. Either become a doctor or an engineer.
@Donya1386 I understand and sympathize with you, your case is the case of a lost talent. As for when someone dies young, it's best to remain silent than trying to philosophize about why such tragic things happen in life.
I'm teenager so I can still make progress. In general, I was in love with art and music, while I behaved like that I hated art and music, maybe like the rest.
@Donya1386 Thank you for being a good sport. It sounds like you have some hard decisions to make. If I were an expert I might offer advice, but I don't believe that any of us are experts when it comes to those. You could leave family and country behind. You could become an activist and fight those around you. Neither are appealing perhaps, but life may just take you to either. Or you meet Prince Charming next week who turns your life into Bollywood.

That officially concludes my very brief and doubtful carreer as a counsellor 😅

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