In #48,
@bfchessguy writes "Let's hope attacks bringing nothing to debate will stop."
And then, in #49 (the very next post) he writes: "You must be gullible to think 45th is not an asset to putina because he invaded after 45th left the Office."
No, bfchessguy, I'm not remotely gullible. And my posts are not unintentionally ironic, either.
@awkward-aardvark , if you want to tell yourself that Putin loves the only president (Trump) who ACTUALLY acted against one of Russia's lifeblood pipelines NEVERTHELESS loves that president, i acknowledge that you can.
But THAT would make Putin seem stupid in a very real, HIGHLY consequential sense, since the pipeline was worth BILLIONS to Russia. But apparently, I can't get this across to those who are invested in believing the old "Russian asset" nonsense.
Putin ALSO praised Ms. Harris. So do you think Putin was just be "being clever" THEN by appearing to favor Harris, but we wasn't just "being clever" before?
Well, believe what you want. I'll stick with the belief that Trump (who worked against a VAST monetary interest of Russia) is NOT working in Russia's best interests.
People who apparently sympathize with your political beliefs ALSO told us the laptop wasn't real and that the "pee tapes" were. And I could go on and on about OTHER nonsense that is even more recent and more obvious, but I don't want to disrespect living politicians, out of kindness. Literally. So I shall not.