
smoking and chess

I was looking for old pictures of Mikhail Tal and a lot of his pictures show him smoking. I don't smoke and I think it must have been horrible back then during a game. Did anyone experience that? If yes: could you talk your opponent out of it?
Back then you were allowed to smoke anywhere, basically. It was just normal, not a great deal, honestly.
@kamonokintama said in #1:
> I was looking for old pictures of Mikhail Tal and a lot of his pictures show him smoking. I don't smoke and I think it must have been horrible back then during a game. Did anyone experience that? If yes: could you talk your opponent out of it?

Back then was possible to smoke in cinema and theather...but you are from DE, people can smoke in bar/pub there even to this days.
There even used to be commercials on TV with doctors touting one brand or another.4 out of 5 doctors prefer Camels. Really, even Fred Flintstone used to push cigarettes. Search forbidden commercials of the past on YouTube.
@george_mcgeorge said in #2:
> Back then you were allowed to smoke anywhere, basically. It was just normal, not a great deal, honestly.

I remember, I don't miss it.
I hated public smoking when I was a kid and I hate it still

However, he's clearly lighting up a doobie - a much better choice
No we never complained about smoking in my chess circle because it would have been considered weak and we might end up in a fist fight after being called a British term that relates.

In fact, I can remember flying in an airplane in 1976 and it was filled with smoke and the ashtrays were overflowing. It was really bothersome as a 13 year old because I'd started smoking at 11 and had to hide it from others and smoke in the bathroom.

It was quite normal to smoke in restaurants (just reminded of that Patrice O'Neal joke about spelling "restaurant") in Canada up until the mid 1990's actually.

Guaranteed Tal smoked in every Russian plane and restaurant up to the moment he died of lung cancer and nobody even gave him a micro expression of non approval. Baffling I know. It was a different time. @kamonokintama
@morphyms1817 said in #6:
> I remember, I don't miss it.
I do, although, as a kid, I wasn't especially enthoused. But not particularly the opposite either.
Thing is, that something got thrown out as smoke, that was anything BUT smoke. Just ask Moke, the genius dog.
@kamonokintama said in #1:
> I was looking for old pictures of Mikhail Tal and a lot of his pictures show him smoking. I don't smoke and I think it must have been horrible back then during a game. Did anyone experience that? If yes: could you talk your opponent out of it?
Come on don't be such a wuss. My prep for OTB tournaments involves eating eggs, beans, and raw garlic the day before. Then, on the tournament day, I strategically release gases at this decisive time of the game when the position is the most complex and my opponent is trying to calculate the line.

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