
Santa Jokes

What about an imposter named Fanta?

They wear the identical SC costume, but the color scheme intead of red, is either grape or orange like the Fanta sodas.
@morphyms1817 said in #12:
> What about an imposter named Fanta?
> They wear the identical SC costume, but the color scheme intead of red, is either grape or orange like the Fanta sodas.
and the impostor is always featured on billboards
@morphyms1817 said in #12:
> What about an imposter named Fanta?
> They wear the identical SC costume, but the color scheme intead of red, is either grape or orange like the Fanta sodas.

and in this case what color will Rudolph's nose be if Santa Claus is sober and no longer lets his reindeer finish the alcohol in the opened bottles ?
@NeuralGnat said in #8:
> If you're going to get picky about it: 70% rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol for general cleaning, and for cleaning PC stuff, 91% and 99% isopropyl alcohol. But I wouldn't recommend Santa drink any of that. His "Ho, Ho, Ho's" would quickly turn to "Oh, Oh, Oh's"...
Why did Mrs. Claus divorce Santa?

Because he only cums once a year,
@ed01106 said in #18:
> Why did Mrs. Claus divorce Santa?
> Because he only cums once a year,
Hell nah lol

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