
Random Fun Facts

Fun fact: People say congrats because they do not know how to spell cognrajitilons
@morphyms1817 Ah yeah,i was kinda busy with my school things,i'll try to become online more.
Thanks anyway :D
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@AOOP09 said in #1:
> Fun fact: People say congrats because they do not know how to spell cognrajitilons
you don't ethier
It rains diamonds on satrun and on jupiter.
An octopus have 3 hearts!
Coke's logo was used to be green.
Crossiants come from austraila (bet thibault will be surprised)
There is a creature that is Immortal
There is a user in lichess that has 1 forum posts and more than 2000 games
There is a country's macdonalds that sells noodles
There is some countries that does not have even a single airport
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