
Pangrams. Oh no.

You know what pangrams are (probably not)
[ex: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog]
[ex: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs]
[ex: Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow]
[ex: Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz] (don't try to figure this out)

Well, in this challenge, you are create sentences that are NOT pangrams.

(Well, that's easy! I'm leaf-)
NO nononono.

The hard part is, every sentence, you have to ban a letter.
And you can't use any banned letter.
When you create a sentence that only uses 5 different letters, (your 21st sentence) you win!
(Sentences have to be 1̶0̶ 8 words or more)

I encourage you to write in a vast amount of subjects,
however I cannot enforce it.

Do not simply figure out the last one, and copy it.
Do not use the same sentence any time.
You guys can help each other.
Or answer partial solutions.

U can use creativ spellin', u mite need it.

These are called lipograms, the opposite of pangrams, BTW.

Good Luck!

-edit Too hard. Let's do only 8 words in each sentence

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