
Moon landings.

With the 55th anniversary of the fake moon landings about to be celebrated, is it not about time for N.A.S.A to come clean and recompense the American taxpayer? Even J.F.Kennedy made a Freudian slip with his ‘biggest pay check’ comment in a speech...Enough is enough!! Beam me up Scottie!!
Yes, we should award (posthumously) the Silver Bear for Best Actor to Neil Armstrong for his vibrant performance in “Apollo 11”
@CSKA_Moscou said in #2:
> Yes, we should award (posthumously) the Silver Bear for Best Actor to Neil Armstrong for his vibrant performance in “Apollo 11”
just shows you how advanced the millaterry actors are
The moon landings were real.

I know.

I was there holding the camera!

I’ve been back since and visited Elvis who lives in an old London Routemaster Bus.
Wasn't it kind of a USA - USSR match?
A "By God, we're gonna teach them Ruskies a lesson!"- thingy?
@HiramHolliday said in #1:
> With the 55th anniversary of the fake moon landings about to be celebrated, is it not about time for N.A.S.A to come clean and recompense the American taxpayer? Even J.F.Kennedy made a Freudian slip with his ‘biggest pay check’ comment in a speech...Enough is enough!! Beam me up Scottie!!

Maybe one day your future generations will be saying that you are fake. Good knowledge!
In the video,the austronat is floating,there are no advanced computers back then,it looks very real if you look at the video how austronat is moving,with less gravity,I don’t think with computers back then they could make it that real looking,I dont think moon landings are fake,also Russians were on moon also,USA and Soviet was enemies,they would expose each other if one of the moon landing was fake
It's part of the vast conspiracy to hide the fact that the earth is flat. ( all the airline industries are part of it naturally ).

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