
is the inbox report button working?

is the inbox report button working?

On the top right corner is a report button, so I can report insulting chess players.
However, after reporting people nothing seem to happen.

Today I had Someone sent me a private message (inbox) after he lost a game:

(he lost on time, in a hopeless lost position, and besides, he was way lower rated then me. What did he expect?)

- well, such messages seem to go unpunished? (I reported him)
Or how long does it take to ban people like this? I guess I am not the first one who has been insulted.
Hello @Munich please remove the name of the person who sent you those messages. Dont insult other players in forums.

And if the report button isnt qorking, post it in Lichess Feedback or use as an alternative and describe the matter.
ok, I edited my post. Name is now replaced with "someone".
I wonder why I can not name someone if he has done something wrong, but I can only name someone if he has not done something wrong?
Example, I can put the name "FischerSimul" and even address him directly like this:

@FischerSimul: I have not insulted other players. It isnt an insult to quote someone, is it?
LoL! sorry, Im so stupid. Now I understand. Cheers saurabhsangeeth!

Ok, I edited it.
@Munich said in #6:
> LoL! sorry, Im so stupid. Now I understand. Cheers saurabhsangeeth!
> Ok, I edited it.

Its called "PUBLIC-SHAMING". You cant simply shame anyone like that.
FischerSimul, that is going a bit far to say that if I quote someone this is shaming. I am not shaving his head, let him walk barfoot or point the finger on him and say he is an ex-prisoner who served 10 years in prison.

No, I am just quoting someone, and the content of what he said is a shame. He should be ashamed of what he said. (Probably he even isnt ashamed of it).

I can understand where you coming from, but there is a limit, and quoting someone is certainly not overstreching a "grey zone".
If the content of what he said it nothing to be ashamed of, its not shaming.

Strictly speaking, lichess is shaming people with there red banner which reads "This Player uses artificial intelligence ...etc"

Look: if I call you now names, and you are going to tell here in the forum, you dont like what Munich just said.... would that mean you are shaming me? Really?
If you then get then accused of shaming its like making the victim the offender.
Exaggerated perverted example of making a victim the offender:
"she got raped? Her fault, why was she wearing a skirt? Besides she was 15, why was she still awake past midnight?" etc.

I personally wish you hadn't used asterisks on what was written. There are a number of things he could have written, and I think there is a range of severity.

To address your point though, it is frustrating. I know I've reported blatantly racist and antisemtiic content, in addition to COVID disinofrmation being spread. While the users weren't chatbanned, that doesn't mean the moderators took no action. There is no way of knowing if they were warned or sanctioned.

What I did find disheartening and perplexing were that the posts remained up.

Moderation is a difficult and thankless service, trying to maintain an impossible balance at times. Moderators do deserve the benefit of the doubt. If you start to see a pattern develop, or if the egregious errors start to accumulate, then I believe the only recourse available to leave the site.
I think you should've kept the name. This is not public humiliating at all. Someone wrote some nasty thing in your inbox ppl should know who so we can block or report them. If we ever come across this person we'll know who s/he was.

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