
If you could have a chessboard made out of any type of food, what would it be?

If you could have a chessboard made out of any type of food, what would it be?

I would have it made out of gummy-bears. What about you?
White Old Cheddar and Red Wine Old Cheddar.

@verylate search for Cahill's Red Wine Cheddar pictures, you'll see if it would look good or not. ;-)
well if it were wood, it would be maple and walnut. Two pretty traditional, if bland, choices. But food...
Ice cream. Some super-rich dark chocolate, and for the light squares, a vanilla (genuine vanilla, dont skimp here) with flecks of black cherries. yeah, maple walnut deserves consideration too, but let's indulge.
Of course there's always one made of dark and white chocolate though I imagine a lot of games would be drawn for lack of board.
Bacon, of course. Just layer it crossways. Lots of bacon. Many layers. Bacon. Period.

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