
I make topic

The idea is.
And then the next.
Its not allowed.
Good luck!
I do telepathy check on u pleroma.
It is precisely.
How do you know this?
R u telepas or how u say this?
Mind your own beeswax ebola.
And stop calling me Jacques Cousteau.
this, my dear nEixkneafbli,
is what they affectionately call death.
to your right you see a DHL monolith,
where ugly little death dwarves type
dead signs into dead machines.
to your left a dead slab of dead tarmac called a highway, with lots of dead moronmobiles racing by, so you need to make a huge detour to get home and breathe in their stink from there.
what is it about death that puzzles you so, dear nEixkneafbli?
o yes, thank you nEixkneafbli,
that's the word i was looking for.

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