
Harry Potter Broomsticks

What is your favorite broomstick in Harry Potter?
1. Toy brooms
2. Silver arrow
3. Shooting Star
4.Comet 290
5. Cleansweep 11
6. Nimbus 2000
7. Nimbus 2001
8. Firebolt
9. Thunderbolt 7
10. Firebolt Supreme

I choose the Firebolt Supreme.
You can also choose:
11. Starsweeper XXI
12. Transylvanian Barb
13. Australian Flyabout 50
14. Yajirushi
15. Varipodos
When was there ever a firebolt supreme? Or am I that out of the loop of the Harry Potter world these days? When I last paid attention (okay, okay, so no, I've never really seen Fantastic Beasts - think I tried watching it once and it was boring to me - guess you could call me a bit of a purist in that I prefer the books, have seen most of the movies (don't know that I ever watched Half Blood Prince that I can recall) but definitely like the books better, have read "Cursed Child" once and pretty sure I donated it somewhere just to get rid of it and so on) there was just the plain ol' Firebolt. I mean, okay, again, considering I've mainly read the books and the last book came out in '07, I suppose maybe a new broomstick was added.

@clouseums - now I'm picturing people trying to play quidditch on Swiffers. Oh god, if it was one of those Swiffers that has the wet wipe you attach to it I can just see the teams lobbing those at each other, bahaha!

Favorite - probably the firebolt, because it's a firebolt, duh.
what is the starsweeper XXI and the 12 13 14 15 10 and 1 is not even a real broom
Isn't there too much topic on Harry Potter recently ? I feel

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