
Government Is Slavery

>The question I end up with when thinking about war and such is:
>How can humans stop violence without using violence?

I think I answered this more or less in the above post about the solutions: non-participation/non-cooperation with the state, gaining independence from corporate livelihood and usage of fiat currency, and education of self and others.

It's all about asking oneself "How am I contributing to this violence"... and being REAL with oneself about the answers, then being willing to make sacrifices and suffer if necessary to QUIT DOING IT. It's really just as much or more about what you can STOP DOING as what you can DO.

>Even in true cases of self-defense, doing the least harm (no harm being ideal) should be the goal.

Agreed. Never use force intending to HARM, EVER... but also be willing to do what's necessary (but not more than) in order to PROTECT and DEFEND.

@xochinla good troll dawg, except you are wasting significantly more time then the people you are trolling combined so actually bad troll
>good troll dawg,

pot, kettle, black... but nice try.
@xochinla hey dawg you already wasted your time if you want to call that a win go ahead keep wasting your time not my problem
I would have thought that in fact America fought the war of independence specifically to make paying tax morally valid...,no taxation without representation.
>I would have thought that in fact America fought the war of independence
>specifically to make paying tax morally valid...,no taxation without representation.

Not so much...

"The refusal of King George to allow the colonies to operate an honest monetary system, which freed the common man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution" - Benjamin Franklin

He was speaking of "Colonial Scrip", but I bet you never learned about that in history class.

The first income tax was created in 1861 during the Civil War as a mechanism to finance the war effort. In addition, Congress passed the Internal Revenue Act in 1862 which created the Bureau of Internal Revenue, an eventual predecessor to the IRS.

Early Americans HATED tax... and banks... they were a LOT smarter then in many ways.
That sounds like a fake quote, money manipulator is a much later linguistic innovation.

In any event, to the extent that the US revolution was a revolution against manipulation of financial flows, it was directed against imperial monopolies. Not banks.

As for taxes, trust me them dudes was taxed. Lotta wars to pay for and whatnot. The conflict around taxation and representation was one that existed through-ought the so-called Americas (then and for most of the world still known simply as America) and had more to do with political representation in imperial legislative bodies. See, during this time there was a great constitutionalist movement going on in Europe after the nationalist furor and so-called enlightenment during which citizens sought to have a say in legislation, governance, and all prerogatives of sovereignty. As the American colonies were not taken seriously by these European reformists, they tended to refuse them legislative representation as if they were equal provinces of the empire.

Since taxation was the most concrete and real representation of the relationship of vassalage between a province and an imperial seat, it was used by the founding fathers to illustrate that they weren't gonna be taking that shit anymore and that if they weren't to be treated as provinces to legislate in favour of their own interests but as colonies to be exploited by the empire, through monopolies and other means, then they would just have to go it alone and claim their own sovereignty.

Masons were smart dudes. But they weren't "anti-banker." This was a later Nazi innovation. Those weren't smart dudes, just glorified emos with military fetish. Like ISIS.

That's not to say that the loaning of capital has not been a matter of controversy basically throughout human history (dating back to the first known legal document, the code of Hammurabi) as well as the particulars of its execution, but the idea of "money manipulators" could only really exist well after the so-called Enlightenment when financial theory was developped to the point of absracting money flows as a total of the productive activity of a populace into a force of its own, to be manipulated, like solar power or epidemics, rather than isolated instances of men trading (however complicated the trading schemes and mechanisms, including coinage and banking, may have gotten to be).

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