
Global Warming

I heard that its normal for global warming and global COOLING cycles. There seriously was global cooling decades ago and maybe everybody turned on their heaters to heat up the earth, and we're just now getting the effects.
But yes, if global warming is bad if it doesn't get cooler.

There was some thought that aerosols and soot were cooling the planet, but it was always known that greenhouse gases increased the temperature. Some scientists wondered which of the two would 'win' out and if we'd see an overall increase or decrease in temperatures.

We managed to clean up a lot of those aerosols, especially through legislation put into effect during the 1970s.

This isn't a cycle. This is anthropogenic climate change, and the amounts of GHG we're pumping into the atmosphere is already having catastrophic consequences.
that makes sense...

and i do agree with you
Check the report, most of the solutions are there. Also one of the slides has multiple solutions.
The last six months in Antarctica are the coldest on record.
@Blue_Sirius said in #8:
> The last six months in Antarctica are the coldest on record.

I remember your climate denialst bullshit from another thread. I envy you, actually.

Where ignorance is bliss,'tis folly to be wise.

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