
George Floyd case.


I'm afraid no one is going to read your long post, certainly not me, since I didn't bring up slavery. Substitute slave owner with "bad person" in my previous posts. You missed the point because you didn't bother to read.
@lurarose. Did you just justify slavery and say African-Americans were treated amazing?

You are insane. You are a disgrace to humanity. You are SUPPORTING the ENSLAVEMENT of HUMANS.

"8) White people today are not responsible for slavery in America hundreds of years ago. Only the richest and often Jewish white people of the south were responsible for it then. A very wealthy southern white Jew is the closest to a responsible party alive today. Not just some random white dude named Jack from California, or Tom from Maine."

You absolve all white people of today except the Jewish ones,who you hold responsible for actions done 200 years ago.I would not normally enter such a lengthy post,but this kind of allegation cries out to be refuted...The slave owners were vastly predominantly God-fearing the KKK is today.

"Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight. By Eli Faber (New York and London: New York University Press, 1998. xvii plus 366pp.)
There are some audiences in North America today who find it difficult to understand past societies and their value systems, and who think a transgression in the past, however distant, invalidates activities or ideas of the present. For these people the finding that even one Jew participated in the slave trade in the 18th century invalidates Jewish political support of civil rights or integration in the 20th century. One outcome of this has been a re-invented history of the Jewish participation in the slave trade which asserts that Jews were the majority of slave owners in the United States and played a major role in the slave trade everywhere. It is in this context that Eli Faber wrote his scholarly book on the participation of Jews in the slave trade and slavery. He has provided the basic numbers that can be established on the relation between Jews and African slaves in the English and Dutch colonial worlds. His major finding is that Jews had a minuscule role in the slave trade and played only a minor role as slave owners wherever they resided in the New World. Of course, knowledgeable historians could have predicted the results of the book, given the circumscribed role of the Jews within European and American societies from the 15th through the 18th century. As Faber shows, the Jews were not a major factor in any international trade in the Anglo-Saxon world, except possibly the diamond trade. They were also not [End Page 743] significant as planters or slave owning farmers, except possibly in Surinam. To the extent that they owned slaves they tended to own fewer slaves on average than their non-Jewish peers. A dozen or so participated in some aspect of the Atlantic slave trade to 1800, with only about half a dozen being serious traders, and even this group moved a very tiny fraction of the total Africans brought to America. The largest group of Jewish slave traders in the British Empire, and the only ones who systematically engaged in the African trade over a long period were the three or four Rhode Island Jewish merchants who in total controlled less than 10% of the voyages and less than 10% of the slaves delivered by Rhode Island traders in the 18th century. In turn Rhode Island was one of the minor ports within the English world engaged in the slave trade. Practically no Jews within England engaged in the far larger trades coming from Liverpool, Bristol and London."

It matters not to the lion what a sheep thinks of it. Many of the greatest people through history were thought "Insane" for simply being ahead of their time. I look at your way of thinking the same way you view the thoughts of a caveman. I pity your ignorance and look forward to the day you may evolve. I pity the fool.

You have twisted my words. Not a single word of my previous statement justifies slavery. The White man freed the slaves. I never said slaves were "Treated amazing". but some did not have it so bad relative to other people of the time. I simply pointed out the fact that cotton does not grow 365 days out of the year. It never has grown 365 days out of the year. What do you know about growing cotton? Have you ever lived on a farm? Have you ever grown any crops of your own? I merely pointed out that for half of the year there is what is known as "downtime" where manual farm labor is not necessary. Which means MANY days of no need for slave labor. Go read a book, and look it up at your local library. Go out and meet a farmer and talk to them about crops. Go do that go get educated and come back and join the discussion.

I'm not saying there was 0 work to be done on days that there were not a part of the growing season There were farm animals to be fed, and perhaps a little cleaning, or perhaps chopping a little firewood to do but nowhere near "dawn to dusk" workday. Of which the slaves got the benefit of eating some of these animals, and the warmth of the fire, and enjoyed the cleaner living area. A similar lifestyle to modern-day Amish people.

These African slaves were also "bred". If you happen to be a good hard-working slave they picked you to be the buck of the crew. You got a nice long retirement into breeding like a champion racehorse. You would live to a ripe old age with gray hair seeing your grandchildren run around playing.

Inversely if you were unfortunate enough to be a part of the Arab slave trade you would have been castrated and as soon as your working days are done you are done. We only talk about that though do we?

What of the black confederate soldiers during the civil war? Those young black men that believed so strongly in the institution of slavery that they fought and died in a losing war to defend it!?

After the war was done many former slaves were very concerned that they no longer had any meaning in life. They had no farm work to do. Eventually, though they did come around. They had black only areas, and white only areas. Segrigation, a separate but equal ideology.

With this newfound freedom black people across the country absolutely flourished. All the way back in 1870 the black man earned the right to vote! That is 50 years before white women got that same right. Black legitimacy rates were over 92% (Married parents, no single mothers). Crime wasn't so bad either. They knew back then that if you were a black criminal they would lynch you, so did not do very much crime at all. Many black folks had the upward mobility in a time before automobiles and planes to travel north in a great migration. Over time blacks went from being about 90% in the south to only about half in the south. Black people had their own schools, churches, neighborhoods, businesses, and homes.

For a long time black people flourished, wanted to go north into the republican territory, away from the south and former slave owners. For generations, black men voted both republican, and democrat. It was a good mix a swing vote. Them southern Klan members couldn't have that.

Then one day these Democrat Klan members got together and said we can't be having our former slaves voting against our interest now can we? So what they did was told the black man: "Hey your too dumb to educate your own kids. What you need to do is go to the white mans school, but preferably the ones north now would you. It's the white man's burden to educate your simple savages after all." So all the sudden black folks began to regress and were like "Yessa massa that sure is a good idea boss." They wanted to start going to white schools since white people were paying more taxes and wanted a piece of that for themself. So we got the bussing going on because these racist de-segregationists felt that there was absolutely no way that black folks could possibly educate their own people. They thought you could sooner teach a dog to ride a bicycle.

And while de-segrigation was going on LBJ got in their and was like "I got this idea for a great society", he was a southern Democrat. Had some connections with the Klan. He figured if he could get the black folks that he liked to called the n-word hooked on welfare maybe they would vote Democrat for about 200 years. So he thought that was a good idea. This LBJ fella was a real humanitarian dropping napalm, and agent orange all over Vietnam spreading freedom trying by killing everyone and thier grandma. On a side note this same LBJ fella approved a program where mentally retarded men were enlisted into the military (Project 100,000 / Macnamaras Morons) because that is always a good idea for some reason... Real nice guy that LBJ was.

Long story short a Republican Nixon got us out of Vietnam several years later, but by this time black folks were already getting hooked on that welfare. And have gone from having a father in 9 out of 10 homes to 2 out of 10 homes. This lack of a father in the home, being cucked out by Uncle Sam and his welfare checks has caused a lack of discipline in much of the black community. With no dad, you no discipline with single mama. So a lot of these young black kids go out on the streets selling drugs, or their body if they are an attractive enough female, or robbing people, joing gangs and such. General up to no good behavior.

Crime waves! The rising tides of these crime waves. Demcorats were like can't have that... Then they look back at that civil war peace agreement and notice the little part in the abolishment of slavery where it says you can still enslave someone if they happen to commit a crime... So a Democrat named Bill Clinton got a crime bill by another Democrat named Joe Biden and pushed that through hard in the 90s. He pushed that bill lharder than he pushed it into Monica Lewinski.

Here is the Democrat front runner back in 1994 pushing the crime bill that beefed up the prison industrial complex and imprisoned millions of black people.

Now of course before he went senile. He may not even remember giving that speech in his defense, but he seemed rather enthusiastic about locking up black people at the time. He was so enthusiastic he even convinced Republicans to agree with him in the name of getting criminals off the street.

All I'm saying is that I want black people to be treated equal, not less, not more. Equal. No more victim bullshit. Quit with the crime bullshit. Start getting married, and having regular families again. Come be civilized people like the rest of us. I don't like the unequal coverage of shootings and killings of black people. I don't like how almost all of these so called unarmed black men shot dead by police just so happen to be violent criminals with long rap sheets that resisting arrest.

These black martyrs aint exactly like Martin Luther King, or Mother Teressa, or Ghandi. They are often times more like some gang banging thug with a long criminal record that finally pushed polcie too far.

These same demonrats as I call them (Democrats) they are so quick to try ot grab our guns, and not only that, they also are now talking about disbanding the police. It could be 3 in the morning... Someone is breaking into the house... They took your gun... Calling the police does nothing they are disbanded... That's the demonrat world.

You know what my biggest issue with black folks is? It's not the crime. It's not the entitlement. It's not even victim mentality. It's not the color of their skin, or the way they talk. My biggest issue with black folks is they are oftentimes far too stupid to realize how much Democrats have been fucking them over, and are not their ally. Democrats still look at them as a slave. Democrats take the black vote for granted.

You present two black people in front of me. A democrat black man and a republican black man.

Republican black man had a Daddy in the house. His dad taught him how to read and ride a bike, and gave him work ethic. His Daddy brought him to church, and taught him good morals. His Daddy was their on his graduation. He feels like a real man. These people do research on their own and are intelligent.

Democrat black man had no father. The streets was his father. His mom was a crack hoe collecting a welfare check. He never learned to read, and record a mile long. He feels inferior to real men. He is violent and aggressive a criminal. Always feeling a victim over everything. Thinks learning shit is stupid and praises ignorance. They want the gibz and dindu nuffin. These people fall for all of the propganda.

There are good black people out there. I know a few. You think I am rich enough to live in a white neighborhood? Black people will rise again. I have talked to them about this shit and they agree with me. They get attacked by their own people get called Uncle Tom. They are fed up with how Democrats are. These wise Republican blacks are gonna replace your ignorant Democrat blacks in time. They don't want to be coddled or treated lik a victim. They want to be free, and don't want something for free.

Ya it's so racist to tell black folks, hey you aint a victim quit believing the bullshit, you can you know get a job, not live on welfare, be a productive member of society, and not a criminal. You are the racist one trying to hold the black man down and keep him a victim. I'm the one telling him he won't need a handout. He can get it himself. He can have the American dream.

Talking down to black people like you do, you oughta be ashamed of yourself. They aint retarded children no matter how much you want to treat them that way. They are people too.
Show where I have talked down to black people.
Your racist rant #175 is straight out disgusting.
So in post # 163 is JasonNewst saying he has no problem with abortions at 5 months? Damn that means 8,000 plus baby murders every year with most of them being black children and Jason thinks that is wonderful? Now that is RACIST! Join the KKK Jason, they will love your viewpoint.

LOL You're playing the exact same bullshit on both accounts that were created only a few days apart. What a racist troll. You think you can fool me? Man this is sad, PATHETIC! Maybe it's time you took a deep hard look at your life. You need help dude.

So JasonNewst are you now out protesting at the abortion clinics since they are killing 8000 babies a year after 5 months in the mothers womb? It appears you are a sad boy. All of your posts talk about bringing up a baby in a "miserable" world. You have such a cheerful and positive attitude about life Jason. Now who really needs help? Be honest Jason, the truth will set you free.

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