
George Floyd case.


When you consider abortion as "black on black" crime, that's racism. You might not even be aware of it but let’s examine the implications of such a warped mentality:

It means to you there’s no difference between Chauvin and a mother who chooses to have abortion because she already has two babies and doesn’t want a third mouth to feed.
In fact, she is even worse, according to you Chauvin committed third or at the most second degree murder whereas abortion is a first degree murder! Consequently many black women are already worse than the slave owners who beat or worked their slaves to death!!

Moreover, you completely diminish the suffering of victims, Floyd died while begging to breathe, he died calling out for his mom, he died asking not to be killed, he knew he was going to die and he felt the pain, every second of it. But that suffering means nothing in your statistics because it’s outnumbered by all those fetus victims, who didn’t feel a thing, never had a day of consciousness and never had a memory.
In other words, to you “black lives” equals entities that are not even fully developed humans.
Wow JasonNewst you are so uniformed it is not even funny. See below:

Abortion is difficult and painful for the unborn child. Surgeon Robert P. N. Shearin states that:

As early as eight to ten weeks after conception, and definitely by thirteen-and-a-half weeks, the unborn experiences organic pain…. First, the unborn child’s mouth, at eight weeks, then her hands at ten weeks, then her face, arms, and legs at eleven weeks become sensitive to touch. By thirteen-and-a-half weeks, she responds to pain at all levels of her nervous system in an integrated response which cannot be termed a mere reflex. She can now experience pain.

Adolf Hilter would be proud of your nonsense Jason. You would have been one of the morons in Germany who claimed Jews were not human and so its okay to exterminate them. Abortion is a crime no matter who is killing the baby, and please stop the PC crap by calling a baby with its own DNA an "entity" who can't feel pain. Do some reading on the subject before you claim that babies in the womb can't feel pain. You are really showing how ignorant you are on the subject. I suppose it is also okay in your mentality to kill one and two year old children if you cannot afford them. What a selfish attitude. I really feel sorry for you. You would have made great friends with Margaret Sanger who founded planned parenthood because she felt the black community were weeds and needed to be exterminated through abortion. Do some reading on Margaret Sanger before you talk nonsense trash. Racist people like you have no problem with all innocent black babies being murdered in the USA day after day while you sit back and say nothing. Watch the movie the silent scream, 1984, and then tell me babies in the womb can't feel pain. You probably also don't realize that abortion is legal in the USA until the day the baby is born. Are you okay with murdering a baby the day before it is born at 9 months? Premature babies can live as early at 5 months on their own outside of their mother's womb into a pregnancy. Talk to any medical Doctor and they would laugh at you when you say babies in the womb can't feel pain when they are being aborted. As far a cops in the USA being racist, just another lie just like babies can't feel pain in the womb when they are being aborted. Get a life!
Because 40% of all the abortions in America are black babies and that is not right!
Use your brain man. The more black babies you kill, the lower the black population in the US. Get it now? That is racist! And the KKK would love less blacks in America.
So a black mother decides to have an abortion... and that's racist?

Use your brain man. That's choice.
Awh, so it's a choice now and not a baby? Now that is classic misdirection. How stupid are you? Would have it been okay with you if your mother wanted to abort you at 9 months in the womb because you were a "choice"? Be happy your mother was pro-life and knew the difference between a baby and a choice.
Not very stupid.

You are blinded by your religious/political views, and will stop at nothing to make the other side sound like devils. And the sad thing is you don't even realize that.

I feel no need to argue with you on this topic, because it is completely pointless.

Now let's get back on topic: The protests for fair treatment under the law.

Thanks for your "contribution".
Also, 9 month abortions are extremely rare. After 24 weeks, abortions are only done out of concern for the woman, and are extremely rare.

EDIT: I just reread what you said, and I now know that you don't understand why people get abortions at all.

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