
General chat .

I did not know if those brand names were ones that you know..I was not belittling you..

I am a retired industrial chemist who spent his first 3 years whilst at university as a lab assistant in a wonderful pharmaceutical laboratory as chief bottle-washer.
Now that I know your life's story I've come to see you in a completely different light. Amazing. And a chemwiz, so I can now proceed and say that dishwashing fluid is maybe where you don't have brand issues because they will be fat attackers by default. Your hands may fall off after a few years but the viruses will be kaput.
@obladie so... You are a chemist!... cool, hey, wanna go breaking bad with me :)

I like the title Chief bottle-washer, reminds me of the people working in Burger King, who's job description is cleaning the floors, but their work title is Floor managers ;)
No offense to anyone working with cleaning, it's an important, hard and underpaid job.

@Cohonavirus all offense to you, you are a troll. What are you during anyway on this site?
You had 1 game and 44 posts. Come back after you played some games.
I see Trump is claiming that America is trialling a covid vaccine,strongly implying it's something new,and making sure he gives himself credit for driving the research.
The so-called "vaccine" is actually the same thing that allied troops were given in WW2 to combat malaria.Then it was called Atebrine. It was the FDA that approved it for testing as a specific against covid..a mere administrative technicality.
As kids we amused ourselves by eating enough Atebrine tablets to turn our skin a shade of greenish-greyish yellow.
Named after the french apricot mogul Henry Placebeau (864-1631), who maintained that shooting apricots up your veins was the surest way to defeat the english.

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