
*Do you learn something from chess, which you can use in real life?

Do you learn something from chess, which you can use in real life?

Strategy and tactics in everyday conversation.
The concept of leveraging assets.
Problem solving.
The value of positioning.
Forward thinking.
Pattern recognition.
Thinking outside of the box.
Emotional control.
The value of teamwork.
Chess teaches a conscientious person how to navigate and be successful in life.
I have learned not to be impulsive
In other words to think before I act.
It's how you play the endgame matters most.
spend money wisely = time is gold = develop pieces with tempo = don't move a piece twice in the opening
Be the attacker, like Lao Tzu said "Appear weak when you're strong, and appear strong when you're weak".
Being a chess player, I can now see every time some idiot prop-master sets a chessboard up with a black square on the right.
And nobody in the whole bloody crew notices.

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