
Do you guys just ever not like someone without a reason?

There's someone at my collage who I just greatly dislike but have no reason to. I'm just like "No".
It's a matter of diversity; because diversity is Love. How does each one, vibrate ?
Then, University is the contact, between diversity and the Universe.
But the Universe is a school !
That's why the goal, is the search.

The aim, is to enjoy our Journey !
Evolution is, finally, the essence of Creation.
The meeting point is like a party. A birthday party.

But usually, we do not come together, as one, because we are tiny parts of a great manifestation.

It's like a lemmon tree, whose branches offer several fruits, and some of them, are water-melons, while others are tomatoes, and his leaves, maybe, nutritious like spinachs, etc. So...

If you were a Carrot, then, probably you would not like to kiss an onion. Because both of you, taste differently ! Even though, your job is almost exactly, the same.
#3 What do you think ... everything you say is confusing and sometimes it is easier not to understand than to understand

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